4 Neighbourhoods in Maple Ridge Set to Take Off in 2023

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Development in Maple Ridge has been taking off over the past few years. With the population growing at a fast rate here in Maple Ridge. We are seeing tremendous growth across the city but especially closer to the city center.

Check out this Land Development Application Viewer. This map of Maple Ridge shows the amount of Development Permits, Rezoning Applications and Subdivision Applications. Based on this map, we have growth happening across all of Maple Ridge but the neighbourhoods seeing the most development are:

  1. East/West Central (the City Center)
  2. Silver Valley
  3. Cottonwood
  4. Southwest Maple Ridge

This neighbourhoods all have something in common, they surround the city center. We have seen this type of growth in BC before with this happening in other cities such as Langley, Abbotsford, Surrey and Port Coquitlam. With the most recent city to see this type pdf growth over the past 5-10 years being Langley. Maple Ridge is following closely behind. Not only are the plans to build new homes across Maple Ridge but new restaurants, shopping and much more!



If you are looking to invest in the Maple Ridge market, give us a call, text, or email with any questions you have! We can answer all of your questions, and give you specific tips related to the investments, strata, buildings, and more. We’re here to help.