The August 2022 market update is in!
For Maple Ridge Condos & Townhouses:
Inventory is down in Maple Ridge by 8% from July 2022. The average sale price is down 7% bringing us closer to, but still above where the average price was in August 2021 at $600,000. Sales are still happening around Maple Ridge with one of the most popular areas being Cottonwood which had a 53% sales ratio in August. The average days on the market has jumped from 10 days on average to 17 days on average.

For Maple Ridge Detached Homes:
Homes are selling on average 1% lower then they are listed for. Sales are back up from last month by 4% but we are seeing a small decrease in sale prices and inventory. Homes in the Northwest part of Maple Ridge with 3 to 4 bedrooms saw the best sales ratio in August with 47% of homes listed being sold.
If you have any questions, would like to know more about another area around the lower mainland or would just like to talk with an expert about the market contact us today at 604-341-9937 or
[email protected]
Tags: BC housing market, Buying Real Estate, Housing Market, Housing Market Update, Maple Ridge Housing market, Maple Ridge Real Estate, Maple Ridge Real Estate Market, Real estate, Real Estate Investing, Real Estate Market, Real Estate Market Update, Real estate news, Real Estate tips and tricks